Women United

Women United

As Women United, we use our strengths, means, and passions to lift others. We build strong foundations of success by focusing on early childhood literacy and parent education. Our vision is to increase resilience in children, families, and neighborhoods through supportive homes and communities.

Contribute in Big Ways

Our projects can always use your volunteer time and donations. As a member of Women United, you can expect to learn and participate in United Way programs and volunteer activities. This includes monthly mini-service projects, quarterly large service projects, and socials.

Volunteer Opportunities

Welcome Baby of United Way of Utah County offers volunteer hours to be trained as a home visitor and visit new moms (virtually or in-person) across Utah County. You will share helpful resources on topics like feeding, safe sleep, and development.

Welcome Baby also accepts volunteer teachers to help teach parenting courses across Utah County,

Service Projects

Women United seeks to give back to Utah County by participating in monthly and quarterly service activities. 

Monthly mini-projects can include activities related to our book-giving initiative, while quarterly projects include helping service projects planned by a variety of programs across Utah County. 

Yearly Socials

Each year, we hold socials and events to connect with each other and the community. These socials can include meals, treats, auctions, and more!

Join Women Like You

Here’s what some of our members have to say about their experience in Women United:

Join Women Like You

Here’s what some of our members have to say about their experience in Women United:

Become a Member

Each member is required to pay a fee of $120 a year, though we encourage everyone to donate what they can, when they can. 100% of your membership cost and donations go towards materials for our cause and are highly appreciated.

Contact Us

 For more information, email us at womenunited@unitedwayuc.org or follow us on social media!