EveryDay Strong

Anxiety and depression are on the rise in our community

You might have noticed this in your own family and friends. You might have wondered if it really is getting worse or if it’s just happening to the people you care about. Unfortunately, the data shows that it’s not just you— in fact, it’s a community-wide trend. For example, look at how many Utah County teenagers answered yes to the following question:

During the past 12 months, did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing some usual activities?

youth(This data comes from the Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) Statewide Survey, which every 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th grader in Utah takes. This particular chart shows only the answers from Utah County teenagers. (You can learn more about the SHARP data here.)


So…what can we do about it?

If you’re like us, these numbers are unacceptable. When we look at these numbers, we get passionate and determined—because to us, these aren’t just numbers. Each number represents our neighbor. Our friend. Our kid. But the thing is, anxiety and depression are complex problems, and that means that there’s probably no silver bullet. It’s going to take multiple strategies to overcome this as a community.

In order to figure out what those strategies should be, we’ve been talking to a lot of parents. Teachers. Hospital administrators. School counselors. And based on all those months and months of conversations, we’ve narrowed it down to just three things that you and I can get started on today:


Strategy #1: Fund direct services for prevention and treatment

Strategy #1: Fund direct services for prevention and treatment

Strategy #2: Align and coordinate available services

Strategy #2: Align and coordinate available services

Strategy #3: Empower natural supports (parents, teachers, friends)

Strategy #3: Empower natural supports (parents, teachers, friends)



Keep following us

In this space, we’ll be creating online and hands-on experiences that will give you, the parent or caregiver, the tools to help your child flourish. We’re only just beginning, so check back here often, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

You can also request one of our volunteers to come tell their story of anxiety and resilience to your group of any size and tell you more how you can get involved. Finally, to be the first to know about new releases or success, sign up for our email list.


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